• Note that the criteria formerly here has now moved to A.2.z.
  • The genesis of this requirement was the event of December 2008 when one CA was able to buy a false cert off another CA, due to poor or absent controls in a reseller. The specific case was the failure to check control of the domain.
  • Control of domain is checked by the CA, and the CA does not outsource that part.
  • Assurance is conducted by the Assurers and others under AP, so this part falls within scope of the criteria.
  • As of 20090131 there is no specific post-verification process over the work of the Individual Assurers.
  • Potential answers:
    • Assurers operate in dual control mode, in that at least two Assurers are needed to reach 50 points (leaving aside Exceptions for now).
    • Assurances become mutual. This is already permitted under AP and is encouraged practice. Making it routine for all Assurer-Assurer instances would create a strong statistical verification.
    • Have Assurers allocate the Experience Points. This would metricise the verification.
    • AP: CAP forms are kept for 7 years. Arbitrators can review.
    • Event coordinators may have this responsibility for larger scale Assurance events.
  • Query posted on policy group, 20090131, "how do we verify the Assurers?" Further proposal posted on policy group, around 20090429,
  • Organisation Assurers work in association with O-Admins, which adds four eyes control over some of the information. (However, this area is not verified.)