.eps // eps does not work with CAcert logo, set to .eps when ok define( 'LOGO_DPI', '1000'); define( 'LOGO_TYPE','-'.LOGO_DPI.'.png'); // logo colors RGB hex define('BLUE', '#11568C'); // RGB 17 86 140 define('LBLUE', '#ADC5D7'); // RGB 112 154 186 define('LLBLUE','#D6E2EB'); // lighhter blue RGB 173 197 215 define('LIME', '#C7FF00'); // RGB 199 255 0 define('GREEN', '#00BE00'); // 0 190 0 define('POBOX','CAcert Inc. - P.O. Box 4107 - Denistone East NSW 2112 - Australia'); define('WEB', 'http://www.cacert.org'); define('WIKI','http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki'); define('ROOTKEYS',WEB.'/index.php?id=3'); define('ASSCAP', WIKI.'/FAQ/AssuranceByCAP'); define('ASSHBK', WIKI.'/AssuranceHandbook'); define('ASSINFO', WIKI.'/FAQ/AssuranceInformationForCAP'); define('ASSINTRO', WIKI.'/FAQ/AssuranceIntroduction'); define('ASSORG', WIKI.'/OrganisationAssurance'); define('ARBIT', WIKI.'/ArbitrationForum'); // CAcert Community Agreement define('CCA', 'CAcertCommunityAgreement'); // default policy to print define('POLICY','policy/'); // default policy doc directory define('EXT','.php'); // default policy doc extention, should be html /* finger print CAcert Root Key */ // should obtain this automatically define('CLASS1_SHA1','135C EC36 F49C B8E9 3B1A B270 CD80 8846 76CE 8F33'); define('CLASS3_SHA1','AD7C 3F64 FC44 39FE F4E9 0BE8 F47C 6CFA 8AAD FDCE'); // next two are not used on the form define('CLASS1_MD5','A6:1B:37:5E:39:0D:9C:36:54:EE:BD:20:31:46:1F:6B'); define('CLASS3_MD5','F7:25:12:82:4E:67:B5:D0:8D:92:B7:7C:0B:86:7A:42'); function DocumentHdr ($title1, $title2 ) { echo help('help'), ' ', "\n"; echo "

\n", '

CAcert logo
', "\n"; echo "


\n", '

', "\n"; echo ''.$title1.'
', "\n"; echo "
\n", '
', "\n"; echo ''.$title2.'
', "\n"; echo "
\n", '
'; echo POBOX ; echo ' - '.WEB.'
', "\n"; echo '
', "\n", '', "\n"; echo "\n\n"; $SHA_sum = array( 'class 1' => CLASS1_SHA1 , 'class 3' => CLASS3_SHA1 , ); echo ' ', "\n"; $cnt = 0; while( list($key, $value) = each($SHA_sum) ) { echo ' \n\n
'._("CAcert's Root Certificate").' ', str_replace(" ", ' ', $key), ': '; echo '>', str_replace(" ", ' ', $key), ': '; //echo str_replace(" ", ' ', $value), ''; echo $value, ''; $cnt++; } echo "

\n"; } ?> '._("Organisation Information (COAP) form").' V'.Version().'', "\n"; ?>

\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo _("The Applicant asks the Organisation Assurer to verify to CAcert Community that the information provided by the Applicant is correct, and according to the official trade office registration bodies."), "
\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo _("For more information about the CAcert Organisation Assurance Programme, including detailed guides to CAcert Organisation Assurers, please visit:"), ' '; echo ' '.WEB.'
', "\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo _("A CAcert Arbitrator can require the Organisation Assurer to deliver the completed forms and accompanying documents in the event of a dispute."), "
\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo _("For the CAcert Individual Assurance Programme there is a separate special CAP form."), "
\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; ?> '._("Organisation Identity Information").'', "\n"; ?> ', help('orgname'), _("Name of the organisation"), '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; ?> ', help('orgtype'), _("Jurisdiction info"), '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; ?> ', "\n", ' ', "\n"; for ( $j = 1; $j <= 3; $j++ ) { printf(" \n", $j > 2 ? "right" : ($j > 2 ? "center" : "left") , $i * 3 + $j); } echo '', "\n"; } ?> ', help('tradeoffice'), _("Trade Office info"), '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; ?> ', "\n", ' ', "\n"; for ( $j = 1; $j <= 3; $j++ ) { printf(" \n", $j > 2 ? "right" : ($j > 2 ? "center" : "left"), $i * 3 + $j); } echo '', "\n"; } ?> ', "\n", ' ', "\n"; printf(" \n\n",$i); echo "\n \n", $i, $i); echo " \n\n", $i); } ?>
', help('orgaddress'), _("Address"), ' (', _("comma separated"), ')'; echo '
'. _("type"). ''. _("state"). ''. _("country code"). '
'; if ( $i < 1 ) { echo _("Registered Trade Names");} echo '
'. _("reg. number"). ''. _("trade office"). ''. _("region"). '
'; if ( $i < 1 ) { echo help('domain'), _("Internet Domain(s)");} echo '
'; if( $i < 2 ) { echo help('adminname'), _("Organisation Administrator(s)"); } echo '
". _("email") . " "; printf("". _("phone") . " "; printf("
', "\n"; ?> ', help('director'), _("director"), '', "\n"; echo '              ', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; ?> ', "\n"; ?> \n"; echo "\n", ' \n"; ?> '. _("Date"). ' ('. _("yyyy-mm-dd"). ')'; echo '
', "\n"; echo ' \n"; echo "\n"; ?>

', help('contact'), _("email"); echo ' (optional)'; echo '      '. _("phone"); echo ' (optional)'; echo '
'; echo _("I am duly authorised to act on behalf of the organisation, I grant operational certificate administrative privileges to the specified Organisation Administrator and, I request the Organisation Assurer to verify the organisation information according to the Assurance Policies."). "
'. _("Signature") .'
('._("and organisation stamp") . ")

', help('oa'), _("Organisation Assurer's Statement"), '', "\n"; ?> ', help('oacontact'), _("organisation assurer"), ' ', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; ?> '._("Date").' ('._("yyyy-mm-dd").')'; ?>
'._("Signature").'', "\n"; ?>

', _("email"); echo ' (optional)'; echo '      '. _("phone"); echo ' (optional)'; echo '
\n"; ?>
\n"; ?>


? '; echo _("Local print of the CAP form"), ': \n", "

"; echo _("A printer ready pdf file with the form and attachments can be generated as follows:"); ?>

'._("portrait").' ('._("1-up").')'; ?>
A4 A5 Letter '._("paper format"); echo "
\n"; echo '

'._("no"); echo ' '._("yes, the CCA is attached to the form."), "
\n"; $policies = array( 'Organisation Assurance Policy' => 'http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/OrganisationAssurancePolicy.html', 'Organisation Assurance Subpolicy for Australia' => 'http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/OrganisationAssuranceSubPolicyAustralia.html', 'Organisation Assurance Subpolicy for Europe' => 'http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/OrganisationAssuranceSubPolicyEurope.html', 'Organisation Assurance Subpolicy for the United States' => 'http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/Policies/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/OrganizationAssuranceSubPolicyUnitedStates.html', ); $cnt = 0; while( list($key, $ref) = each($policies) ) { $cnt++; if( $cnt < 2 ) { echo '

'. _("Applicable Organisation Policy documents and information can be attached to the pdf output file. Mark those documents, which need to be attached") . ":
\n"; } printf("
\n", $cnt, $ref, $ref, $key); } if( $cnt > 0 ) { echo "\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo _("Submit the form").': \n"; ?>