', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; ?> ', "\n"; include_once(RT.'/form_js.php'); // should check for version compatibility here // all html css definitions for forms and tables echo ' ', "\n"; include_once(RT.'/form_css.php'); // should check for version compatibility here $Page = array(); GetPageInfo( 'COAP' ); // we make these variables global as php4 does not know ref by name $Applicant = array(); // placeholder for assuree or organisation info $Assurer = array(); // placeholde for assurer info $Registrar = array(); // placeholder for trade office info // roll in the url parameter information //echo '\n"; echo '\n"; echo ' '._("Organisation Information (COAP) form").' V'.Version().'', "\n"; if( isset($revision) && is_array($revision) ) { echo ' ', "\n"; } ?>
\n"),ASSINTRO); echo "
\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo PolicyRef(FormText('info',1), WEB), "
\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo PolicyRef(FormText('info',2), ARBIT), "
\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; echo PolicyRef(FormText('info',3), str_replace( "coap", WEB.'/'.__FILE__, "cap")), "
\n"; //echo '

', "\n"; echo "

\n"; ?>

\n", ' \n\n"; ?> \n \n", ' \n\n"; } echo "\n", ' \n\n"; ?> ', Popup('orgtype'), _("Jurisdiction info"), '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' \n"; echo ' \n"; echo ' \n\n"; ?> ', "\n", ' ', "\n"; for ( $j = 1; $j <= 3; $j++ ) { printf(" \n"; } echo '', "\n"; } unset($rts); ?> ', Popup('tradeoffice'), _("Trade Office extract info"), '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n", ' ', "\n"; for ( $j = 1; $j <= 3; $j++ ) { printf(" \n"; } echo '', "\n"; } ?> ', "\n", ' ', "\n"; printf(" \n\n"; echo "\n \n"; echo " \n\n"; } ?>
', Popup('organisation'), _("Organisation Identity Information"), "
"; if ( $i == 0 ) { echo Popup('orgname'); if( SetNameHelp( $Applicant['names'], 'name', 'translit') ) echo Popup('translit'); echo str_replace(' ',' ',_("Name of the organisation")); } echo "', Star(), ' here? echo ">
', Popup('orgaddress'), _("Address"), '
(', str_replace(" ",' ', _("comma separated")), ')'; echo '
here? echo ">
'. _("type"). ''. _("state"). ''. _("country code"). '
'; if ( $i < 1 ) echo Popup('dba'), $rts ? Popup('translit'):'', _("Registered Trade Names"); echo '%s 2 ? "right" : ($j > 2 ? "center" : "left"), Star(), $i * 3 + $j); if( $i*3+$j-1 < $cnt ) PrintValue($Applicant['dbas'], $i* 3 + $j-1); echo ">
', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; // if this gets a star use SetNameHelp($Registrar, 'name', 'translit'); echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; ?>
'. _("reg. number"). ''. _("date extract"). ''. _("trade office"). ''. _("region"). '
'; if ( $i < 1 ) { echo Popup('domain'), _("Internet Domain(s)");} echo '%s 2 ? "right" : ($j > 2 ? "center" : "left"), Star(), $i * 3 + $j); if( $i*3+$j-1 < $cnt ) PrintValue($Applicant['domains'], $i* 3 + $j-1); echo ">
'; if( $i < 1 ) { echo Popup('adminname'), $rts ? Popup('abbrev') : '', $rts ? Popup('translit'): '', str_replace(' ',' ',_("Organisation Administrator(s)")); } echo '%s
". _("email") . " "; echo Star(); printf("". _("phone") . " "; printf("

', "\n"; else echo 'CCA)
', "\n"; ?> ', Popup('director'); if( SetNameHelp($Applicant,'director', 'translit', 'abbrev') ) echo Popup('abbrev'), Popup('translit'); echo _("director"), '', "\n"; echo '              ', '', "\n"; echo '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' \n"; ?> ', "\n"; else echo 'CCA)', "\n"; ?> \n"; echo "\n", ' \n"; ?> '. _("Date"). ' ('. _("yyyy-mm-dd"). ')'; echo '
', Star(), '', "\n"; echo ' \n"; ?>

', Popup('contact'), _("email"); echo ' (optional)'; echo '      ', ''. _("phone"); echo ' (optional)'; echo '
'; echo FormText('assuree',3), "
', FormText('assuree',4), '
('._("and organisation stamp") . ")

', Popup('oa'), _("Organisation Assurer's Statement"), '', "\n"; ?> ', Popup('oacontact'); if( SetNameHelp($Assurer, 'name', 'translit', 'abbrev') ) echo Popup('abbrev'), Popup('translit'); echo _("organisation assurer"), ' ', "\n"; unset($rts); echo Star(); echo '\n"; echo "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; echo ' \n"; ?> '._("Date").' ('._("yyyy-mm-dd").')'; echo '
', Star(), '', "\n"; echo ' ', "\n"; ?>

', _("email"); echo ' (optional)'; echo ' ', Star(), ''. _("phone"); echo ' (optional)'; echo '
\n"; ?>
\n"; ?>

', FormText('assurer',2), '