Big Picture

During the Innsbruck meeting was agreed that the best way to be able to scale and grow in future would be make a clear separation between our core system and everything else.
As stated in the scope page, it is considered "core system" everything we can not outsource, and thats divided in three parts:
- the business logic (see Business Logic sub project broken link)
- and the communications with the signing server. (see TailFeather subproject)
Outside the scope of the "core system" we will have three applications:
- The web frontend, providing a good and modern web UI of what the API provides, translated using translingo to the preferred language of the user, and very basic CMS capabilities. (see Web frontend subproject)
- An optional geo/social application, initially only providing the find/contact an assurer functionality but later anything the community finds interesting to keep in order to take our Web of Trust further. The location of this system once on production is something that has to be analysed deeply. Event coordination and geographically targeted announcements are supposed to be done in this application.
- And an application to track the arbitrations.
These external applications are not supposed to impresonate the user, but redirect the user to the login interface of the core system and then using a token perform the API calls using with his authorization and keeping detailed traces in the logs at the core system. All applications have a set of responsible members and their own logic credentials.
See also