April, 2009.
+ lots of programmers know it + good for very large scale projects + lots of tools and code + hard to write bad code in it - security is complicated by lots of frameworks - crypto is clunky, best to replace the lot if possible - lacks any way to communicate at the Unix process to process level (so everyone uses TCP/IP so we end up with firewall and code mess). - not good at webapps - PG considers it unsuitable for security (after having to audit projects and dealing with SUN).
+ fairly easy to write in + long history, robust, efficient - exotic, not so many programmers - requires discipline to write good code - hard to stop people writing bad code - known as a write-only language
+ easy to start a webapp in it - hard to get people writing good code in it - object model is crap - frequent rewrites required due to poor structuring/OO - frequent releases because of vulnerabilities
+ stable, robust + efficient + best integration with OS platform - too slow to write large applications (around 5 times as slow as the others) - hard to avoid using bad memory management practices
- not out of the kindergarten yet - framework is too young?
+ fast to write in + good OO model + good modern web frameworks + easy to apply secure programming practices - formatting is annoying to some
Lang C Java Python Ruby Perl PHP total who: iang yes yes yes yes 4 mario yes yes yes yes 4 Amery yes yes philipp D yes yes no no yes yes 4 philipp G ted TOTAL 3 2 1 0 2 2