RCS file: /home/software/cert/RCS/make-ocsp-csr,v Working file: /home/software/cert/make-ocsp-csr head: 1.4 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 4; selected revisions: 4 description: make-ocsp-csr - create new csr for ocsp server, and optionally a new key ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2019/08/26 15:34:43; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3 Update for webserver lighttpd instead of apache2. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2014/12/14 15:28:03; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Increase keysize to 4096 per request from Benny Baumann. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2014/02/06 15:13:12; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 Add note about installation in Apache2 webserver. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2013/12/13 10:26:47; author: wytze; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================