RCS file: /home/software/ocspd/RCS/MAKE,v Working file: /home/software/ocspd/MAKE head: 1.3 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 3; selected revisions: 3 description: MAKE - script to build ocspd software for CAcert ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/06/23 20:31:45; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Change patch options to preserve original source files with .org suffix. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/06/23 16:05:29; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Do not use 'p' option with tar to avoid creating world-writable directories. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/28 15:37:49; author: wytze; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================