RCS file: /home/software/ocspd/RCS/patch.cacert,v Working file: /home/software/ocspd/patch.cacert head: 1.6 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 6; selected revisions: 6 description: patch.cacert - CAcert patches for ocspd software ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2012/02/15 14:49:17; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 Fix HTTP header sent in response: Drop [Content-]Transfer-Encoding: header completely, it has no meaning here and its value is invalid. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/02/10 16:44:06; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +19 -2 Fix HTTP header sent in response: Content-Transfer-Encoding: should be Transfer-Encoding: Get rid of "Bad time value" in Date: header by properly initializing it. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/06/23 16:02:07; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +400 -15 Add patches for enabling HTTP GET support, somewhat improved statistics, and a workaround for cases where no valid CA is found in request. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2011/05/01 10:06:16; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +55 -31 Add patch for dealing with openssl memory protection problem. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2011/04/29 13:20:49; author: wytze; state: Exp; lines: +38 -0 Add patches for logging of very simple statistics. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2011/04/28 15:44:16; author: wytze; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================