# @(#)(CAcert) $Id: cacert,v 1.5 2018/05/02 07:32:38 root Exp $ # /etc/cron.d/cacert - crontab snippets for CAcert application # *** Clean up php5 sessions running under chroot /home/cacert *** # # This is now done by the regular php5 cron job, using a modified # version of the /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean script (note that that # script does not honor a directory parameter!) # *** Clean up CommModule logfiles *** # 1 1 * * * root /home/cacert/www/CommModule/logclean.sh # *** CAcert database maintenance operations *** # 15 * * * * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./removedead.php >/dev/null 45 * * * * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./warning.php >/dev/null 45 */8 * * * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./updatesort.php >/dev/null 45 2 * * * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./refresh_stats.php >/dev/null 25 1 1 1,4,7,10 * root cd /home/cacert/www/scripts/cron; ./permissionreview.php # *** Update website frontpage with latest blog entries *** # */5 * * * * root wget -q -O /home/cacert/www/pages/index/feed.rss http://blog.cacert.org/feed/rss/ # *** Convert & combine crls from DER to PEM format *** # 2 * * * * root /root/updatecrls.sh