RCS file: /etc/mysql/RCS/my.cnf,v Working file: /etc/mysql/my.cnf head: 1.11 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 11; selected revisions: 11 description: my.cnf - master configuration file for MySQL daemon ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2018/06/01 08:39:44; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 Reset expire_log_days to 0 (implying no automatic expiry); this setting was inadvertently changed by the jessie upgrade commits. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2018/02/08 13:39:08; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 Add log_error setting based on upgrade to Debian Jessie. Use myisam-recover-options instead of (deprecated) myisam-recover, to get rid of warning during startup. ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2014/07/07 09:53:49; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 Changing option names in response to warnings seen at startup of mysql server 5.1: Jul 7 11:40:32 webdb mysqld: 140707 11:40:32 [Warning] Using unique option prefix k ey_buffer instead of key_buffer_size is deprecated and will be removed in a future r elease. Please use the full name instead. Jul 7 11:40:32 webdb mysqld: 140707 11:40:32 [Warning] The syntax '--log-slow-queri es' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '--slow-query- log'/'--slow-query-log-file' instead. Jul 7 11:40:33 webdb mysqld: 140707 11:40:33 [Warning] Using unique option prefix m yisam-recover instead of myisam-recover-options is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the full name instead. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2014/06/23 14:49:32; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 Upgrade to Debian Wheezy with mysql 5.5 while retaining local customization. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2013/03/06 16:56:37; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 It turns out that 365 is an illegal value for expire_logs_days; the system is imposing a maximum value of 99. Therefore we are setting this parameter to 0 instead, which means: no automatic binary logs removal. A script will need to be devised to be run by cron which takes care of removing binary logs which are older than one year. The mysql syntax for doing this is: PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'; or PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'mysql-bin.nnnn'; ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2013/02/27 15:30:28; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +8 -26 Upgrade to configuration file distributed with Debian Squeeze for mysql 5.1, while retaining some specific settings for CAcert: - table cache = 1024 - log_slow_queries enabled - log_bin enabled, with expire_log_days set to 365 (one year) ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2012/11/07 14:40:49; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1 -0 Increase table_cache from its default value (64) to 1024 per recommendation of mysqltuner.pl and Benny Baumann. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2011/03/14 10:06:21; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 Increase expire_logs_days from the (default?) setting of 10 to 365, in order to comply with CAcert Security Manual 4.2.1 Logging/Coverage: application event logs are kept and retained for a minium of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2010/12/29 10:51:24; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 Incorporate comment changes from my.cnf.dpkg-dist after upgrade to Lenny. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2009/06/26 14:07:17; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 Enable log_slow_queries to /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log with long_query_time set to 2 seconds (or more). ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2009/06/26 13:46:49; author: root; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================